Mahatma Gandhi 150th Birthday Celebration
CIO, Is excited to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi 150th Birthday celebration.
Oct 2nd 2019 : Mahatma Gandhi actual birthday , CIO in partnership with Governors Advisory commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs and Welcoming center for new Pennsylvania is going to celebrate it’s contribution to society and how those are relevant in today’s environment.
Time : 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location : Welcoming Center for new Pennsylvania , 211 N 13th St 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
If you would like to participate at the event and perform please contact [email protected]
Oct 3rd 2019 : This event is brought to you by Council of Indian Organizations in Greater Philadelphia and Saturday Free school ( Year of Gandhi ).
Time : 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM : Display of Gandhi pictures and speech by keynote speaker Reverend James Lawson who have fought civil right movement with Martin Luther King Jr.
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM : Reception